

5 comentários:

  1. So, did you like the visit?
    About those ninjas, well I know that we have some good kung fu students here... maybe u had the chance to see them going somewhere to practice...

    My sis said to me that in one of the Kodama´s events - anime convention - that happened here, last year or before that, in a cosplayer show, some guys almost destroyed the scene cosplaying some Naruto characters... they where really amasing...

    but I cant say much, since I wasnt there... :/

    Hope you remember me! X3
    Im almost done with my college works and may enter the flight comunity soon... :)

    Should I start my blog now??? XD

  2. é pra comentar em português ou inglês ou tanto faz? :P

  3. Nesse post eu tinha que deixar um comment!!! E em portugues! Porque eu sou de basilia!ahahah...
    Muito legal vcs terem ido a Bsb com a exposicao! Pena eu nao estar la... Adorei o seu blog! Li tudinho... Muitas saudades! beijos, Aline ;)


Be nice.