
SDCC 2006

This year at the San Diego Comic Con I'll be showcasing three projects:

1. JOHNNY REPEAT, released by Citizen Press, written by Jason James. This is a collaborations between artists on one big story. I did 12 pages, and I had a lot of fun doing it...

2. IT DREAM TO ME is actually Mo Chang's work. He draw all 32 pages in one whole Saturday, I could never do that. I suggest that you take a look at his web site... MO CHANG

3. AUTUMN. Well, this is tricky. Flavia Sakai, the creator of this piece, is a very talented paper craftwoman, graphic designer and samurai. She invited me to do a collaboration about the Haiku poet Basho. We did a "one page" story , folded as a ancient Japanese letter that comes with a beautifull note book to write your own haikus. It has been printed, hand painted, stamped and folded one by one. There is only 44 copies and I'll bring 10 with me to San Diego. probably it will cost something like US$40 dollars... I hope people buy it. Here's a image of the 2006 Organizer/diary made by her.


As usual I create stuff and don't know what to do with it. The YELLO JELLO site stayed for at least three years with nothing but a sign saying "under construction", as most of all designers and artists websites. After this three years I produced some short stories and had been published under TERRA MAJOR's banner, so it was time to put something up. By the same time I met Douglas Kawazu, the webwiz that created all versions of YELLO JELLO and helps it every time with something new. This version that you have is supposed to be a little bit more friendly than it's predecessors, that's why you are reading this blog after all, what better way to communicate than communicating? By the way, I'm Brazilian and speak Portuguese, but since most of my audience are Americans or English speaking creatures I will start this blog by writing in English. Remember, I still don't know what to do with it.

So, enjoy the stories, check out the new stuff and buy the books.

See' ya